Prime Minister Narendra Modi has addressed at Bargarh, Odisha today. Speaking at Bargarh Chasi Samavesh, PM appealed people to thing big for Odisha’s development. In his unique and enigmatic style Modi went on asking all Odia people a million dollar question, if they wish to prosper keeping in pace with other developed states of the country or not. Suggesting to set aside the usual 'coping up with the destiny' attitude, he said Odisha should take new challenges and work accordingly. In this context, he dubbed Odisha to be a land blessed by Almighty with enough of natural resources, and directed inhabitants to exploit it for their benefit. While west Indian states like, Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana are marching ahead in the race of attaining the status of a prosperous state, why Odisha can’t do so, Modi asked the crowd during his speech. Categorically appreciating the abundance of water resource in this eastern state of India, he laid emphasis on a proper irrigation management and assured central help in this regard.
Citing the example of former Prime Minister of India Lal Bahadur Sashtri, Modi projected him as the architect of first agricultural revolution in India. He insisted, during Sashtri’s time the first green revolution took shape in some other part of the country, and Odisha could be the breeding ground for the second one, if it wants. 
People applauded him with a big crowd for the confidence. In this context poultry, honey, dairy and fish farming were suggested by Modi to Odisha farmers as lucrative options. Not only that, he put forth some farming ideas, considered as very concrete. He suggested farmers to plant teak wood in one third area of their land, for more benefit. PM concluded his speech with Jai Jagannath. 

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