Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal launched his party’s campaign for the 2017 Punjab elections at the Maghi Mela on Thursday with a scathing attack on the ruling SAD and the Badals. Emphasising that the father-son duo of Parkash and Sukhbir Badal has brought the state on the verge of ruin, he announced that the AAP will set up a judicial commission to look into their misdeeds if voted to power. Raising the drugs issue, Kejriwal asked the cheering crowds who was responsible for the menace. The crowd took Revenue Minister Bikram Singh Majithia’s name, to which the Kejriwal said that people in the entire state knows that Majithia is to be blamed for the high rate of drug addiction in the state. Yet, CM Parkash Singh Badal has not sacked him from his Cabinet. You all vow on this pious land to defeat the Badals (and) I promise to put Majithia behind bars, he said.

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