Finally declared! Amitabh Bachchan's next, which he is presently shooting in Delhi alongside Taapsee Pannu, is titled 'Pink,' not 'Eve.'
The 73-year-old star took to his official blog to share his experience, and shared a string of photographs in which he is seen wearing khaki trousers, loose fitted shirt and a training mask, which is covering half of his face.
The masked wonder on the streets of crowded Delhi and ne'er an eye is raised...this is what what life is all about 'buddy'. Its called indifference, unrecognisable, and even if recognisable not interested in recognising ... happens to all that were once recognisable ... shall happen to all .
It's not something that shall bring the oceans at your feet," Big B shared. In one of the images, he can be seen crossing a busy junction of the capital, and in another photograph, he is walking in solitude with just one passer-by - a street dog.
The 'Piku' star also shared: "See what I mean ... this is one of the most crowded and busy crossings in my part of the city ... and... no problem. Except for this fellow. Few and far...and the oblivion persists." The social-thriller is directed by National Award-winning Bengali director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, who is stepping into Hindi films with the project. The story line of the film, which also stars Taapsee Pannu, is still under wraps. After enjoying a walk with no cameras swarming around him, Amitabh also lauded the make up artist.
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