Telugu actor Jagapathi babu is playing a villain role in Vijay 60th Movie. Tamil hero Vijay is planning to start shooting for his 60th film and many people are willing to know the details of Vijay 60th movie. Shooting will be started in the month of May-2016 and it will start after ‘Theri’ movie release. The movie will be directed by Bharathan, it will be produced by 'Vijaya Productions banner'. Beauty Actress Keerthy Suresh has already signed up for playing the female lead role in this film. According to the latest sources the lead villain has also been confirmed to play antagonist role he is none other than a Popular Tollywood actor Jagapathi Babu. He will be played a powerful and ruthless villain in this film against Vijay. Santhosh Narayanan will score the music in this Vijay 60th movie and cinematography by Sukumar. The film unit is very busy for finalising the other cast and crew members. Sources who close to the team said that two other veteran actors will be expected to join with this crew as soon as possible.
Jagapathi babu is playing a villain role in Vijay 60th Movie
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