The Hyderabad court on wednesday asked the GMR airport, Shamshabad to furnish the latest address of Vijay Mallya by 6th June to enable it to issue him indictment in a dud cheque case. The third special magistrate court expected to give judgment in the case on Wednesday, received a written reply from the Maharashtra Police that Mallya's residence in Mumbai was attached by the SBI and hence the indictment was returned with the reason: The said person is not available at this address. The judge then directed to GMR. The court trial was completed before three months but the judgment was postponed as Mallya had not been attending the court. Mallya is charged with renege airport user and the cheque issued by him was got bounced due to insufficient funds in the account. The company issued two cheques of INR 5 Million each towards part settlement of nearly INR 12 Crores dues. The GMR had filed a suit in the court under section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument (NI) Act, under which Mallya will be punishable for imprisonment extended up-to two years. 

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