Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged words of praise at informal meeting of BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in Germany's Hamburg, at two-day G20 summit. Both had entered the room for the meeting, the two leaders shook hands and greeted to each other. A foreign ministry statement said that 

PM Modi, admired momentum in BRICS under the Chairmanship of President Xi and widen his cooperation and best wishes for the BRICS Xiamen Summit. The two leaders will hold no bilateral meeting in Hamburg. China said yesterday in a statement that 'the atmosphere is not right' for a formal meeting between both leaders, India made it clear that it has not pursue such a meeting. Both will hold bilateral meetings with leaders of other countries on the sidelines of the main G20 summit.

In recent times China had issued a series of warnings to India - through state-run Global Media to withdraw its troops from Dokalam area near Sikkim that Beijing claims as its own. Indian soldiers had arrived at the area early in June to stop the construction of a road by the Chinese Army. India has said that the construction is a security inference for it. 

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