After China's affront on the border stand-off at Sikkim, the government said that the diplomatic channels are available and are being used to settle the conflict that began nearly a month ago. India has also dispersed China's offer-delineate to arouse and made yesterday to help mediate in Kashmir and to bring peace and stability to the region. The Government of India willing to build support among the opposition parties ahead of parliament sessions starting on Monday. Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar two days ago said that India and China are capable of managing the differences that crop up irregularly over the disputed border of 2,175 miles. 

In the China's version in June, Indian soldiers had crossed the Sikkim border to the Donglang area and stopped the construction of a road on the plateau. According to the Bhutan the area belongs to the tiny Himalayan kingdom; India endorses that stand. China says India is using the road-building to cross over their border. Solders from the two sides have oppose each other close to a valley controlled by China that separates India from Bhutan and gives China access to the so-called Chicken's Neck (a thin strip of land that connects mainland India to its seven northeastern states). India has said it had warned China that construction of road near their common border would have serious security implications.

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