The Goa Police are investigating a postcard, allegedly sent by the Islamic State, which threatens to kill PM Narendra Modi and Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar. The postcard bore ISIS initials and expressed anger over the ban on cow slaughter in the country, ANI reported. The police have circulated it to all the state’s police stations and have handed the case over to its Anti-Terrorist Squad. Investigating officers found said the postcard was sent from a post office in Panaji, and a senior officer said it will be sent to a forensic lab for more tests. Goa Inspector General of Police Sunil Garg said the ATS and all wings of Goa Police were on high alert. The postcard was written in broken English and did not make much sense, police said. According to The Indian Express, the Goa Secretariat received the postcard on January 14 during its winter session, while ANI reported that it reached the Goa Police on Tuesday.

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