Smriti Irani: Indian Politician Criticizes Parliamentary Opposition Over Hyderabad Student's Death and JNU issue
Irani said Wednesday she is taking Rohith Vemula's death personally because he was used as a "political tool." She also told her Lok Sabha critics, "I challenge you to ask my caste."

 For the second straight day, HRD Minister Smriti Irani made a strong defence of the government's actions on Thursday with regard to JNU issue and suicide of Dalit student in Hyderabad university in the face of intense attack by the opposition which alleged that attempts were being made to suppress dissent.

Here is the full speech of Smriti Irani in Lok Sabha:

[youtube control="0" src="H8iqdNm3egk"][/youtube]
Irani, who was ballistic in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, was comparatively mellowed down in the Rajya Sabha as she replied to questions raised on her performance as also that of the HRD Ministry under her.

She said she had been "rightly" advised by someone to be calm.

Her reply to a short duration discussion, however, was cut short as the House was abruptly adjourned after uproar over her certain comments which she made while alleging that some elements in JNU had published derogatory pamphlets about Goddess Durga.

As she narrated the descriptive details of the pamphlets, Anand Sharma of Congress took objection, saying it could set a precedent and in future somebody else could repeat it with regard to Gods of other religions.

"What is happening here? This is too much. It's a dangerous precedent. Every religious leader and deity has been derogatorily referred by some persons. Will all this be discussed here? Can we allow it here. Then there will be a war in the House," Sharma said.

Irani insisted with her reference, saying it was imperative to counter the charge levelled against her.

Responding to objections, deputy chairman PK Kurian said she has authenticated what she had said. "What can I do?" he said.

With the opposition remaining unrelenting, he adjourned the House till Friday.

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