For wrong depiction of the India map could land the violators in jail with a maximum term of seven years and fine upto INR 100 Crores. This measure has been contemplate by the government against the instances where in social networking sites showed Jammu & Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh as part of Pakistan and China. Recently 'Twitter' has shown the geographical location of Jammu in Pakistan and Kashmir in China and by protests from the Indian government it was corrected. According to the draft 'The Geospatial Information Regulation Bill 2016' makes it is mandatory to take permission from a government authority before acquiring, proclaiming, publishing or distributing any denoting information of India. No person shall delineatepromulgate, publish or distribute any wrong or false topographic information of India including international boundaries through online services or internet platforms or in any physical or electronic form. Who-ever acquired any geospatial information of India in offends against law shall be punished with a fine from INR 1 Crore to INR 100 Crore and or imprisonment for a period upto seven years, according to the draft bill.

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