Its a ghastly incident, a dead snake was reportedly found on a packed Thums Up bottle. This incident took place in Tanuku, West Godavari on June-12th. A customer avow to take legal action against the Coca Cola company after he found a small dead snake in a Thums Up bottle. As per the report of the New Indian Express, Kadali Prasad on June-12th purchased six Thums Up bottles. After reaching home, Prasad shook the bottle before opening it. He was in deep shock after he found a dead snake inside the Thums Up bottle. Prasad directly went to the shop where he purchased the bottles and questioned the shopkeeper about dead snake in it. Prasad said he will approach the court on this. As the bottle was packed by company the shopkeeper refused to take the responsibility. The customer said he would take legal action against the manufacturer. 


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