Vijayadasami  also known as Ayudhapuja or Dussehra is an most important Hindu festival celebrated in India, Nepal and Marked as a national holiday in Malaysia. The victory of Goddess Durga over the fied Mahishasura. The Goddess Durga Maa battle with evil for ten days and nine nights. The word 'Vijayadasami' is derived from the Sanskrit vijaya-dasami (i.e vijaya: victory, dasami: the tenth day of the Hindu month). Dussehra derived from a Sanskrit word Dasha+Hara, Dussehra is a exterior of Dasanan ravan (Ravana's defeat)

Durga's victory over Mahishasura
Mahishasura was the king of the asuras or fiends who became very powerful and tortured the people. And few asurs tried to defeat devas and occupy heaven. Under the leadership of Mahishasura asuras defeated the devas. In this moment Shakti was created by integration of powers of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. A battle pursue between the demon and Shakti, it has ended on the tenth day when the Goddess Durga killed Mahishasura. Durga as lord Shiva’s companion, constitute two forms of female energy i.e (lenient and defensive, and vicious and pernicious)

Ram victory over Ravana
On this day Rama (Seventh descent of Lord Vishnu) killed Ravana. Rama, Lakshmana, Hanuman and their army fought a fray to rescue Sita.

The ten heads of Ravana each of his head stands for an evil, krodha for anger, kama stands for ardour, lobh for avarice, swarth for selfishness, moha for attachment, mada for pride, matsara for jealousy, amanavta for lack of humanity, anyaya for injustice and ahankara for ego.

Pandav Eviction
The Pandavas lost to the Kauravas in dice game and deport to forest for twelve years. The five brothers stash their weapons in an hole of Shami tree before they entered into the kingdom of Virat to complete last year of their exile. After an year on Vijayadasami they recovered their weapons and declared their identities and defeated Kauravas, who have attacked King Virat to steal his cattle. Since the day Shami trees and weapons were been worshiped and exchange of Shami leaves of Vijayadasami was the symbol of Good Will.

Kautsa's gift to his Guru
Kautsa was the son Devadatta (Brahmin) after completing his education with Sage Varatantu, Kautsa insisted his guru to accept a present. Varatantu said the better graduation of the disciple makes the guru gleeful that the real Guru Dakshina. And to accept dakshina in return for learning wisdom is not appropriate. Kautsa was not satisfied he insisted guru to accept something. The Varatantu asked to give 140 million gold coins (10 million for each of the 14 sciences. Kautsa went to King Raghu who is ancestor of Rama who was well known for his generosity. But King Raghu was emptied after performing Vishvajit sacrifice. King asked three days time to Kautsa. Raghu declared to war on Indra to obtain required wealth. Raghu asked Kautsa to decide an auspicious day for war, Kautsa planned on Ashwin Shudh Navmi. Indra approached Kubera to make a rain of Gold coins on Shanu and Aapati trees in Ayodhtya. The rain of gold coins begans and Raghu gave the coins to Kautsa, then  Kautsa offered them to Sage Varatantu. As the guru had requested only 140 million, he returned the rest of them to Kautsa. Kautsa asked the king to take the remaining gold coins. But king refused since kings do not take gifts back. Kautsa distributed the gold coins to the people of Ayodhya. This was the day of Dashmi. To commemorate this leaves are plucked form the Aapati tree and given as gifts. 

Important Fact:
It was believed that on Dussehra Emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism. And on the same day, Dr B R Ambedkar also been converted to the Buddhist religion. 

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