After a day of cyclone 'Vardah' exhausted ruination in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, it has escort showers in the district on Tuesday. According to Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) there would be heavy rainfall in Ernakulam in the next 48 hours. IMD forecasts ceaseless heavy rains at night. On Monday, the temperature was around 32°C but on Tuesday it came down to 22.6°C. In the next two days the minimum temperature is anticipated to be as low as 22°C - 25°C and the maximum temperature would be around 30-32°C.

It is generally cloudy with one or two augur of rain or thunder showers, said by IMD. Fishermen are warning not to adventure in sea. The strong winds from south easterly direction (with a speed 4555 kms/hr) are likely along and off Kerala coast till 2 PM on Wednesday .

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