The jittery over Tamil Nadu's political development recline, as the swearing of Sasikala Natarajan as the Chief Minister will not be held on
Tuesday. Vidyasagar Rao (Tamil Nadu Governor) is unlikely
to administer the vow of Sasikala, as he is examining the legal implication of
the development.
Earlier, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court to stay the swearing-in ceremony
of Sasikala. The petition filed by a Tamil Nadu based lawyer, Senthil Kumar resist that the state would witness chaos if Sasikala will be Chief
Minister and also is forced to resign in case the SC overturns the order of
clearing of the Karnataka High Court in the disproportionate assets (DA) case
pending in the apex court. And the possibility of riots all
over the state, which is already facing a fraught situation due to demonetisation, cyclone and death of CM, hence it is vital that fresh
plight is not created, the petition said.
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