A Chinese newspaper in an editorial Thursday said India's record of sending 104 satellites with space programme still lagging behind China's successes in its manned space programme. India launched a record 104 satellites on a single rocket on wednesday, which followed the Mars orbiter mission and gather attention in China. The Indians have a reason to be proud, said by a Thursday editorial in the Party-run Global Times. In the space technology race is not important that the number of satellites at one go. 'It's fair to say the significance of this achievement is limited. In this regard, Indian scientists know more than the Indian public, who are encouraged by media reports, it added. The Chinese state media said pointing out gaps such as lack of a manned mission.

The editorial pointed that, There is no Indian astronaut in space and the country's plan to establish a space station has not yet started, referring to China's space missions, two astronauts last year spent 30 days in the Tiangong-2 space module, which will be developed into a full-fledged space station. Pointing out that the United States space budget in 2013 was $39.3 billion, China $6.1 billion, Russia $5.3 billion, Japan $3.6 billion and India $1.2 billion. The editorial concluded that India's example was worth pondering. 

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