Prime Minister Narendra Modi had mixed Urdu poetry and sarcasm to take digs at the Congress which he compared to death even as he sought the co-operation of the opposition in the Rajya Sabha for the passage of pending key reform bills.  He made a strong case for coordination between the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha where the government lacks numbers.  Let us pass bills earlier passed in the Lok Sabha as soon as possible and give an impetus to India’s progress,” he told the Rajya Sabha. Modi remarks came during his reply to a debate on President Pranab Mukherjee’s address to parliament as some critical legislations, including the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill, are pending in the Rajya Sabha.   
Modi said nation is waiting for us to pass many bills. Drawing a parallel between death and the Congress, Death is a blessing it’s above criticism no one criticises death. People say someone died of cancer, (people say) he died of old age. The cancer and old age is blamed, but not death. Sometimes, I feel, the Congress is also blessed like death, whenever we criticise the Congress, the media says the opposition is under attack.  Quoting noted Urdu poet Nida Fazli. He strongly defended his government’s ambitious promise to double farmers’ income by 2022.

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