Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu said on saturday that he regret not having shifted to Amaravati immediately after taking charge in June-2014. Chandra Babu operating from Hyderabad and moved operations to Vijayawada last June after a temporary office building was constructed. New capital Amaravati was chosen in September-2014. Naidu said i should shifted to Vijayawada and shall started working from under the trees or tents. Had I moved here then itself, everyone would have followed. I am repenting now. His remark came to a question at a press conference on the shifting of government departments from Hyderabad to Amaravati by mid-June. My main concern is about the academic year. We can't afford losing one more year if employees don't shift from Hyderabad in June. I am discussing this with all concerned and will take a call, Naidu said. Referring to the disquiets raised by employees over lack of proper facilities at Velagapudi where the state government transitional headquarters is coming up, he said some problems were bound to be there initially.

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