Heavy rains wiping parts of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha the India Meteorological Department has issued a cyclone warning for both the states. Winds are expected to be hit speeds of 100 km per hour in Odisha, where 12 districts are on alert. The chief ministers of both states have directed authorities to be prepared to face the storm.Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu directed officials to open relief camps and evict people from vulnerable areas. Navin Patnaik has directed collectors and district administrations to keep food and drinking water supplies and medical support ready.

CM Chandra Babu said State Disaster Response, National Disaster Response Force and fire service personnel should focus on rescue operations wherever required, clear all uprooted trees and electric poles for free flow of traffic and steady power supply. Roanu remained over the Bay of Bengal on about 440 km southwest Gopalpur district, Odisha. It is expected to move north-eastwards along and cross over the coast of South Bangladesh between the night of May-21st and early May22nd after debilitate.

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