Recently Samsung has launched latest flagship smartphones in the Indian market, Galaxy S7 (INR 48,900) and Galaxy S7 edge (INR 56,900). To create strong position in the high-end smartphone arena, Samsung decided to roll out the line-up just a few days, after the unveiling at MWC Barcelona which was concluded early this month. Pre-booking for the Galaxy S7 and S7 edge were opened from March 8 to March 16. Samsung has announced to offer complimentary VR headset upon pre-booking. 


The S7 and S7 edge don the same glass-metal body design seen in the predecessor S6 line-up. Both are QHD Super Amoled display , the S7 with 5.1 inch and S7 edge a 5.5 inch. The phones are likely to be powered by Samsung's octa-core Exynos 8890 SoC instead of the quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset. The S7 and S7 edge will feature a 12 megapixel rear camera with Dual pixel technology with f/1.7 aperture and a five megapixel front camera. Both the phones have 4GB RAM, IP68 rating for dust and water resistance and will run on Android 6.0 Marshmallow. To power the machinery, the S7 has a 3,000 mAh battery while the S7 edge has a 3600 mAh battery. Both the phones support fast-charging and wireless charging.

Taaza Vaartha

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