The Skymet sees Monsoon at 109 % of Long Period Average (LPA) of 887 mm for the period from June to September against initial estimate of 105 %. August is seen at 113% and 123% in September. Skymet suggests North-East India, South Interior Karnataka and South India's Tamil Nadu will be at medium risk through June to September. Rains in Kolkata created new records as heavy showers lashed the city on Monday. With in 24 hrs the city had witnessed 56 mm of rain which is the highest rainfall in 24 hours during the last 10 years. It is not likely to have an adverse impact on the Monsoon performance. There are more chances of getting into La-Nina in the later part of this year. Under the influence of the cyclone Roanu, Monsoon arrived before time over the Andaman and has also advanced further. Conditions are now favorable for its timely onset over Kerala. 

The tropical Pacific Ocean has returned to a neutral El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) state. Sea surface temperatures across the tropical Pacific have cooled to neutral levels over the past fortnight, supported by much cooler-than-average waters beneath the surface, stated the BoM release. 

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