The State-run United Bank of India (UBI) has started its 36th regional office in Hyderabad to boost business in Telengana and Andhra Pradesh. The Kolkata-based lender has sculpted this new regional division to increase its focus in telugu states. UBI's advances in Bangalore region, Karnataka was seven times of what it has collected as deposits. The bank said that the business for the new region now stands at INR 2,935 Crores following the operational reign with deposits at INR 450 Crores and advances at INR 2,485 Crores. The new region has already 34 branches while UBI also plans to open 8 more branches in this year. The undivided Bangalore region had 67 branches with a total business of INR 5,381 Crores. Total deposit were INR 755 Crores while advances were at INR 4,626 Crores. UBI has 4.10 Crore customers. Pawan Bajaj (UBI Managing Director) said that the opening of Hyderabad Region would strengthen bank's outreach in telugu states.

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