Huawei has launched the Honor 6X in India. Mobile will be available only on Amazon India from February 2. The phone is priced at INR 12,999 for the 3GB/32GB variant and INR 15,999 for the 4GB/64GB variant. The mobile contains fingerprint sensor and dual SIM support. The Honor 6X will be available in silver, gray and gold. There will be launch day offers from Airtel, SBI and Amazon.

Display: 5.50-inch
Battery Capacity: 3340mAh
Resolution: 1080x1920 pixels (1080p IPS LCD)
Processor: Kirin 655 SoC with 1.7GHz octa-core
Storage: 32/62GB
RAM: 3/4GB
Camera: 12-megapixel Rear and 8 megapixel front camera
OS: Android 6.0 with Emotion UI 4.1

Taaza Vaartha

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